Get Started - Page API

The Verity REST API URL is:

Verity API processes HTTPS GET requests specifying a properly-formed page URL in the following format:<WEBPAGE_URL>

The URL specified in <WEBPAGE_URL> must meet the following requirements:

  • Start with http:// or https://.

  • Have a properly URL-encoded address.

  • Any request parameter values must be properly URL-encoded.

Example Page Request

Classifying the page with the Verity API is a simple two-step process. This example shows a request to analyze a web page, including its text and any prominent image detected. The example page URL is:

Step 1 – Submit a GET page classification request

To start the page analysis, submit a GET request via curl:

curl -H 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>' '<TEST_URL>&callBackUrl=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>'

Verity API returns a JSON response with Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8  showing the request has the following status: 

{ "dataAvailable": false, "status": "INITIATED", "pageUrl": "", "uuid": "deb59fc2-b8ef-4dbe-ab64-6a1950a45a76" }

For a list of supported status messages, refer to Application Status Codes.

Step 2 – Poll the endpoint

Poll the same endpoint specified in Step 1.  Within a short period, once analysis of the page and its associated image is complete, a status change occurs and the returned message updates to:

{ "dataAvailable": true, "status": "PROCESSED", "pageUrl": "", "uuid": "deb59fc2-b8ef-4dbe-ab64-6a1950a45a76", "verityData": {...} }

Once the status changes to PROCESSED, the JSON page classification results are returned in the response message data payload.

Note: You can also specify a callBackUrl in a GET request. The JSON classification results are then returned only to the callBackUrl, and not the response message data payload. See Integrating a Webhook for an example GET request with a callBackUrl.

Example Page JSON Response Body

The JSON response details the complete brand safety, keyword, and categorization analysis data for the page and its any prominent image detected.  See JSON Response for details about the fields included in the response.

More Information

The contents of these documents and any attachments contain GumGum, Inc. confidential information and are legally protected from disclosure.