The Verity API checks for malformed HTTP requests, such as:
Incomplete URLs.
Missing HTTP headers.
Invalid domain-specific information.
Example errors or invalid requests are as follows:
Example Error
{ "dataAvailable": false, "Status": "ERROR", "pageUrl": "http://gg.error/1" }
Example Invalid Request
{ "dataAvailable": false, "Status": "INVALID", "pageUrl": "://gg.invalid/1" }
URLs that are unreachable or resulted in errors are maintained in an Error cache. Whenever a request for a URL in the Error cache is received, an error message is returned to the client and the request is not processed.
Clients can retry a failed request after 1 hour, when URLs time out of the Error cache. Alternatively a client can force immediate reprocessing, as described in Ignore Cached Page Response.