Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • New Features

  • Upcoming Features

  • Features to be Deprecated

  • Known Issues

  • Links to new Verity Documentation

New Features

  • Custom content segments

  • Image analysis endpoint

  • Text analysis endpoint

Custom Content Segments

Custom Segments gather data about the content within contextual segments you want to target. Perhaps you want to carve out inventory to match timely criteria, such as articles on snowsports that avoid avalanche news coverage. You could use this data to track inventory for each custom segment in your environment, or bulk publish/unpublish content as needed.


For detailed steps, refer to Set up a Custom Segment in the Verity Documentation Center.

Analyze text blocks

You can now provide a specific a text string for analysis, independent of a web page. You'll get results for:


For detailed steps, refer to Get Started - Text API in the Verity Documentation Center.

Analyze individual images

You can now get analysis information for an individual image URL, including:


For detailed steps, refer to Get Started - Image API in the Verity Documentation Center.

Upcoming Features

Stay tuned for these upcoming features:

  • New Deep-learning Model for IAB v2 categorization

    Target release: end of February 2021

  • Improved Keyword extraction model
    Target release: end of February 2021

  • Updated minimum reporting requirements
    Target release: February 2021

Features to be Deprecated

  • GumGum Events will be phased out in favor of custom segments, expanding support to any number of events, large or small!
    Target date of deprecation: April 1, 2021

Known Issues

Verity experienced the following system issues:


Tip: Sign up for Verity System notifications on the Verity Status page

Verity Documentation

The latest Verity Documentation is available here on the Verity Documentation Center.
